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Being a Vessel

In my ongoing project Being a Vessel I am self-consciously inspired by a constellation of artists, architects, and designers. This work is rooted in my need to carry their creative life with me beyond the exhibitions or publications I have seen. What started as a way to create personalized reminders of these figures by translating their work in to my own visual language has become an in -depth (ever evolving) research into the notion of artistic ancestry. Unfolding from my interaction with forms, materials and colours Being a Vessel is an exploration of what it means to be influenced and inspired. It is a dedication to the Vase / the Vessel itself – a form that has the ability to contain, hold and embody. 

Dancing the Ubagu

Testing two forces

Dance Writing II, 2014 pastel on paper, 22 x 30 cm

The rising snake


Painting for Underwater, 2012, acrylic paint on paper,

Sweeping into action


Video stills Chiron, 2011
Editing Chiron, 2010